
Dua Lipa - New Rules 中文歌詞

翻譯BY NYMPHS丑魚妮飛斯( 轉發請註明出處)

Talkin' in my sleep at night在我熟睡之際自言自語著
Makin' myself crazy 讓我自己快要瘋了
(Out of my mind, out of my mind快要瘋了,快要瘋了)
Wrote it down and read it out 把它寫下來,並大聲唸出
Hopin' it would save me希望這能夠拯救我
(Too many times, too many times 太多次了,太多次了)

Oh, he makes me feel like nobody else 噢,他讓我感覺獨一無二

Nobody else獨一無二
But my love, he doesn't love me但親愛的,他並不愛我
So I tell myself, I tell myself 所以我告訴自己,我告訴自己

One, don't pick up the phone 首先,別接起電話

You know he's only calling 'cause he's drunk and alone你知道他只會在喝醉且孤獨時打給你
Two, don't let him in 再來,別讓他進門
You have to kick him out again 否則你還得再次把他踢出去
Three, don't be his friend 第三,別和他做朋友
You know you're gonna wake up in his bed in the morning 你知道隔天早上你會在他床上醒來的
And if you're under him而若你(被他掌控)/(躺在他下面) 
You ain't getting over him 你就不可能擺脫他了

 I've got new rules, I count 'em我有了新規矩,我逐一數著它們

I've got new rules, I count 'em我有了新規矩,我逐一數著它們
I've gotta tell them to myself 我會反覆地提醒自己
I've got new rules, I count 'em我有了新規矩,我逐一數著它們
I've gotta tell them to myself我會反覆地提醒自己

I keep pushin' forwards我不斷想要擺脫過去

But he keeps pullin' me backwards但他卻竭盡所能地想將我往回拉
(Nowhere to turn, no way 沒有轉圜餘地了,別想了)
(Nowhere to turn, no  沒有轉圜餘地了,別想了)
Now I'm standing back from it 現在我已經成功脫離這一切了
I finally see the pattern  我終於看破一切花招了
(I never learn, I never learn  我永遠不會學乖,我永遠不會學乖)
But my love, he doesn't loves me 但親愛的,他並不愛我
So I tell myself, I tell myself 所以我告訴自己,我告訴自己
I do, I do, I do 我會的,我會的,我會的

One, don't pick up the phone 首先,別接起電話

You know he's only calling 'cause he's drunk and alone你知道他只會在喝醉且孤獨時打給你
Two, don't let him in 再來,別讓他進門
You have to kick him out again 否則你還得再次把他踢出去
Three, don't be his friend 第三,別和他做朋友
You know you're gonna wake up in his bed in the morning 你知道隔天早上你會在他床上醒來的
And if you're under him而若你(被他掌控)/(躺在他下面) 
You ain't getting over him 你就不可能擺脫他了

I've got new rules, I count 'em我有了新規矩,我逐一數著它們

I've got new rules, I count 'em我有了新規矩,我逐一數著它們
I've gotta tell them to myself  我會反覆地提醒自己
I've got new rules, I count 'em我有了新規矩,我逐一數著它們
I've gotta tell them to myself  我會反覆地提醒自己

Practice makes perfect熟能生巧

I'm still tryna' learn it by heart我仍然要用心學習這種規矩
Eat, sleep, and breathe it將那視為不可或缺的事物
Rehearse and repeat it 'cause I (I, I, I)重複地練習著,因為我(我,我,我)

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Yours-Russell Dickerson 中文歌詞 (HOME FREE COVER)

翻譯BY NYMPHS丑魚妮飛斯( 轉發請註明出處)

I was a boat stuck in a bottle                         我是困在瓶中的船
that never got the chance to touch the sea 永遠沒有機會遇上大海
just forgot on the shelf                                     被遺忘般束之高閣
no wind in the sails                                           似帆無風
going no where with no one but me            不管到哪就只我隻身一人

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